About PubSearch

Most of this post was written in 2013, but I actualized it in 2018.


This program was my thesis at university and this was my first project that I’ve ever published on the web. I created a SourceForge project to be able to use SVN and write wiki pages where I can do the planning.

A year after I started developing the program, and months after v1.0, in the beginning of 2013, Softpedia wrote me an email informing me that they had included my program in their public software database.

It was downloaded 14 times within 4 hours, and this gave me a little motivation to continue developing the project. I roughly planned PubSearch 2, but among my other tasks, sadly I had no time to implement it.

A few years later the program disappeared from Softpedia, maybe because without my updates it became useless.

What’s this?

This is a Java tool which can search in multiple publication databases (such as Google Scholar, CiteSeerX, ACM, SpringerLink). You type the author’s name and PubSearch grabs the basic information of her/his publications. It can transitively crawl the “cited-by” lists, so a researcher can use this tool for calculating her/his impact factor.

PubSearch search results

It uses a proxy list to reach those sites, to avoid banning because of the heavy network traffic. The program uses definition files to crawl the databases, you can edit these with any simple text editor or add your own definiton. You can export publication data in citation formats.

PubSearch BibTeX

JRE, MySQL and a proxy list is required to run the program.


Websites of publication databases are changed since I last updated this project, so the program may only list a few results or none.

Ideas for further development