
Log controls

On the log page you see this control panel (on desktop screens it is displayed vertically on the left):

The behavior of these buttons are explained below separately.

This button updates the attack list. It fetches your last 1000 attacks from TORN, stores losses and escapes in your browser, then refreshes the UI. Timed out attacks are considered as losses. In the settings () you can turn on automatic updating, in which case this button is hidden.

This button toggles attack direction filter. On smaller screens, a single blue button is displayed which shows the currently selected option, and it rotates the options when you click it. On desktop screens, all options are displayed as separate buttons and the selected one is marked with blue background.

  • You are the attacker, outgoing attacks are listed
  • You are the defender, incoming attacks are listed

This button toggles attack result (outcome) filter. On smaller screens, a single blue button is displayed which shows the currently selected option, and it rotates the options when you click it. On desktop screens, all options are displayed as separate buttons and the selected one is marked with blue background.

  • Losses (including timeouts) are listed
  • Escapes are listed

This button toggles attack grouping mode. On smaller screens, a single blue button is displayed which shows the currently selected option, and it rotates the options when you click it. On desktop screens, all options are displayed as separate buttons and the selected one is marked with blue background.

  • Event mode: lists attacks individually.
  • Session mode: groups consecutive attacks with the same opponent, price and paid status are grouped.
  • Contract mode: groups attacks with the same opponent, price and paid status are grouped, regardless of timestamp.
  • Statistics mode: shows KPIs and an attack chart for the past 31 days.

This button toggles whether paid attacks are displayed. If its background is not blue, only unpaid attacks are displayed.

List items

List items on the log page display either individual attacks or attack groups. Each list item shows the following:

  • number of attacks in the group (hidden in "event" mode)
  • timestamps of the first and last attack in the group, most recent timestamp at the top (on smaller screens, only the most recent timestamp is displayed)
  • direction, outcome and opponent of attacks in the group
  • total and per-attack price (if set) of the attack group, red means unpaid, green means paid

On desktop screens, the list is displayed as a table, where some cells have click actions.

  • The cell which displays the attack count and timestamps opens the invoice for the attack group.
  • Clicking the price cell will display a dialog where you can set the price for the attack group and all newer attacks of that opponent.
  • There's an addiitonal cell which displays the paid status. Clicking on it will toggle the paid status of the attack group and other attacks too. Setting an attack group paid will set all previous attacks of that type and opponent also as paid. Setting an attack (group) unpaid will set all newer attacks of that type and opponent also as unpaid.

On smaller screens, the list displayed in a compact form and these actions can be accessed via the dropdown menu () on the right.

TLL (TORN City Losers' Log)

Created and being developed by [2413874]. Please feel free to contact me in game if you have any questions, issues, ideas or feature requests. In-game donations and forum thread upvotes are much appreciated.

v2.0.1 Built